Letter-writing Campaign

AFLA has created a two-click method for lawyers to be able to express support for family justice initiatives to the Government of Alberta. We have pre-written a letter, which you can edit before sending. Thank you for helping our advocacy efforts by sending the letter, thereby showing that Albertans want to see improvements to family justice.

Recent Announcements

About AFLA

We are pleased to announce the recent formation of the Alberta Family Lawyers Association ("AFLA"). AFLA currently has 632 members.

Our current priorities are:

  1. To get Family Bar voices at the table with Legal Aid Alberta in relation to Certificate Management, Tariff Modernization and adequate funding for Family Coverage (contact Legal Aid Advocacy Committee Chairs Tracy Brown and Emma Benarzi;
  2. To seek opportunities to collaborate with the Courts on procedures affecting the Family Bar (contact Court Processes Advocacy Committee Chair Ashley Cox); and
  3. To speak out about the Family Bar's needs with various levels of Government related to funding (contact Government Funding Advocacy Committee Chair Wayne Barkauskas, KC)
  4. To host events and increase engagement with our Association (contact Events & Engagement Committee Chair Emma Benarzi)
  5. To publish precedents and other useful documents for our members (the Practice & Precedents Committee Chair is Ken Proudman)
  6. To advocacy for legislative change (contact Law Reform Committee Chair Doug Moe, KC

Through these initiatives we will strive to make our work as Family lawyers more efficient, cost-effective for the clients, and ensure access to justice is systemically facilitated within our specialized field. We are hopeful that AFLA will create an opportunity to fill in the gaps we see, to better serve our Family Law colleagues and clients at large.

While this page is hosted by FamilyCounsel as our interests align, AFLA is a separate organization.

AFLA Steering Committee


Wayne Barkauskas, K.C.
Wise Scheible Barkauskas


Ken Proudman

Vice President

Krista Cossar
WK Family Lawyers LLP


Doug Moe K.C.
Moe Hannah LLP


Chelsea Boucher
Long Family Law Group LLP

Board Member

Linda V.Goold

Board Member


Board Member

Ashley Cox
Brown Law Group

Board Member

Emma Benarzi

Board Member

Joshua K. Wasylciw
Resolve Legal Group

Board Member

Judith Acevedo
Brown Law Group

Board Member

Shantelle Smith
Cooper Regel LLP

© 2022 to 2025 Alberta Family Lawyers Association